Article 11316

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Kosharnaya Galina Borisovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, head of sub-department of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Tolubaeva Lyudmila Timofeevna, Candidate of philosophy, associate professor, sub-department of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Redya Galina Pavlovna, Candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, sub-department of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK





Background. The article analyzes the processes influencing consolidation of the Russia society. The authors emphasizes the preservation of its unity, patriotism and civism of Russians. The aim of the work is to determine the importance of social and ethnic factors in consolidation of the Russian multinational society in order to achieve stable positive relations between various peoples and nations.
Materials and methods. The sociological research was based on questioning (quota samples by gender, age and nationality in Penza, Ulyanovsk, Saratov regionas and the Republic of Tatarstan, n = 1780). According to the results the authors analyzed issues of interethnic relations in Volga region.
Results. The performed research showed that for the majority of respondents it is important to have a sense of belonging not just to their national group, but to the united society – Russians. Over a third of the respondents rather feel themselves Russians (33,7 %), and 42,7 % feel themselves both representatives of their nationalities and Russians. Herewith, for 12,8 % of the respondents it is important to rather feel themselves as people of their nationalities. The analysis of the obtained data showed that there were no cordinal differences from general indices in various age groups. Representatives of all ethnic groups surveyed called the most important for the Russian citizenship is to have civil rights and to perform civil duties, to live in Russia, to protect their state, to abide by the Russian laws, to bear responsibility for the country’s destiny. All the respondents believe that a citizen of Russia must be a patriot and love his/her country (Russians – 26,9 %, Tatars – 24,7 %, Mordvinians – 25,0 %).
Conclusions. The obtained data confirm the fact that in Russia the process of preservation of multinationality remains organic. It is based of formation and preservation in the conscience of various peoples, living in Russia, of the sense of community of history, belonging to their peoples, as well as unity with other peoples, living in the country. The influence of ethnic and social factors on formation of patriotism of Volga region dwellers is manifested in acknowledgment of people not just as members of their ethnic groups, but as representatives of the Russian society in general. The interethnic concord in multinational Russia can be promoted by consolidation of the value of patriotism in the public conscience, including labor for the benefit of the Motherland, knowledge of its history, culture and tradition, support of friendly relations between representatives of various nationalities. 

Key words

patriotism, ethnos, consolidation, civism, Motherland, interethnic relations, polyethnic region, values

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Дата создания: 17.03.2017 12:40
Дата обновления: 17.03.2017 14:32